Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Oxford, MS

Hello dear friends and family! I would like to personally apologize for the lack of blog posts here recently. Promise we'll do better! 

Check out the sentence structure on the sign...
    Now, I would like to share with you the adventure that we embarked on this past weekend. We woke up on Saturday, loaded up in the car, and traveled 45 minutes to Oxford, MS. And now, a short history lesson...

Oxford, Mississippi was originally founded in 1835 and currently boasts a population of 19,000 citizens;  including William Faulkner, Archie and Eli Manning :) and John Grisham (at one point in time). The city gained national attention in 1962 when the state governor and University of Mississippi officials refused to allow a black student to attend the university. US Marshals were sent to the town in an attempt to regain the peace. Riots broke out on campus and sadly ended when two men lost their lives. In the end the student was able to enroll in classes and graduated with a degree in history.

Vaught Hemingway Stadium
The Grove
     As you all know, Oxford is home to the University of Mississippi (Ole Miss). The city was recently named by USA Today as one of the top six college towns in the nation. (this is according to wikipedia, I tried and failed to find this statistic myself so there is no need for my BullDAWG fans to get defensive). Some degrees offered by the university include; accounting, business administration, engineering, law, pharmacy, dentistry, nursing, and medicine. While we were there we had the opportunity to traverse the Walk of Champions that winds around the middle of The Grove, the infamous football tailgating spot on campus. On a side note, we had every intention of attending the UGA/Ole Miss men's basketball game on Saturday afternoon but once again got the times zones mixed up and missed the game...we miss Eastern time!

We took the opportunity to walk around and enjoy the Square (downtown Oxford). There were plenty of several shops, boutiques, restaurants, and touristy photo opts to keep us busy for the rest of the afternoon and evening.

The oldest building on the square circa 1966

The Courthouse
Brittany, Tabitha, and I with William Faulker

The phone in this phone booth actually worked!
 We concluded our day in Oxford by chowing down on some super good BBQ at The Rib Cage and watching the Falcons game at one of the local spots. All in all it was a great day! 

As you can see we are enjoying our time here in the Magnolia State, but we sure do miss all of you back in GA (and IN). Hope that all of you fellow classmates are enjoying, or at very least tolerating, the last clinical! Be sure to tune in again next week as we are taking a trip to Memphis and Graceland this weekend! 


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