Tuesday, January 11, 2011

SNOW, SNOW, everywhere!

Steadily coming down Sunday night!
Not sure if you've heard this yet, but it snowed here on Sunday night/ Monday morning! We were fortunate in the fact that it was a nice dusting (6-8in) of fluffy snow rather than that icey/sleety mess that our friends back in good ole' GA experienced. Needless to say, almost everything in town was shut down on Monday so Tabitha and I took our day off to explore the neighborhood, act like kids again, and relax on the couch with a good movie, warm blankets, and cups of hot chocolate! 

Our adventure took us, on foot, down a winding road behind the house that we're staying in. There were only a couple of people in 4x4's (and a cop with chains on his tires) that were brave enough to attempt the windy, hilly, frozen asphalt that we explored. We took some pictures (shocked, I know) of the beautiful white fields, horses down the road, and the donkeys that live at the Buffalo Park. We tried to get closer to the donkeys, but apparently their owners taught them not to associate with girls from GA! 

The next thing on our TO DO list was to make the most handsome snowman on the block! We had big plans of building a life sized snowman, unfortunately, the snow had other ideas. It was too fluffy and DID NOT want to stick together. You could forget rolling out big snowballs, it was not going to happen. Not that I wasn't proud of our finished product, how could you not love Frosty? 

I had one more thing on my winter TO DO list before we headed back inside....

Making my snowangel.

The house and our cars covered in snow.
Clark, our four-legged roommate, playing in the snow!
That was pretty much our snowday in a nutshell. The roads were all clear this morning, so it was back to work for all of us today. There is a nice hill behind the building I work in and the plan is for the therapists to bring an extra change of clothes so we can sled on our lunch break tomorrow! I'll let you know how that goes. Hope that you are all enjoying the snow over there, but more importantly staying safe! 


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